Category Archive for "Weight Loss"

Is over eating your downfall?

Apr 27 2018

I wrote this to my Healthy Habits Hub for Weightloss Facebook Group, I thought it may be useful here also PORTION SIZE.…

4 Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

Oct 25 2017

Weight loss advice is so common (and contentious). There are so many competing opinions everywhere. So let’s forget about “who’s right” and let’s…

How my 5 Day Jumpstart went

Sep 12 2017

Well after a winter of many trips away and being quite naughty, I decided it was timeto have a good Reset! I…

Artificial Sweeteners – helpful or harmful?

Aug 07 2017

You probably know the negative health effects of eating too much sugar, especially “added sugars” like in soft drinks, lollies, baked goods, and…

Why is My Metabolism Slow?

May 16 2017

You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight.  Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced…

What is Metabolism?

Mar 30 2017

This word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days. You know that if yours is too slow you might gain weight.  But…

5 serious health benefits of quitting sugar

Mar 13 2017

So many of us have a strong addiction to sugar. It is scientific fact that sugar is as addictive as cocaine (here & here) releasing…

Do Calories Count?

Aug 25 2016

I was asked the other day what was the recommended daily calorie consumption for losing weight. It stumped me for a second…

Why Water Works for your Weight, Energy and Beauty

Aug 08 2016

Your body is made up of around 70% water, so it’s no wonder being hydrated is so vital to our health. Being…

Creamy Spinach Soup

Aug 04 2016

Here is a super healthy soup…. spinach soup sounds disgusting doesn’t it? …. a little too healthy sounding for my household!! (does Creamy…