Archive for May, 2015

Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D

May 29 2015

If you are interested in reading the benefits of Calcium, vitamin D and Magnesium feel free to click on this link Active…

How Stress affects our Body & ways to reduce it

May 29 2015

It doesn’t matter how well you eat and how fit you are, if you are under a lot of stress your body…


May 16 2015

Quinoa (pronounced “KEEN-wah”) is my favourite grain, along with brown rice. It has a lovely nutty flavour and being low GI, a complete protein, full…

Carrot and Basil Soup

May 16 2015

Well the weather has been very wet and cold in Perth this weekend so it was definitely soup weather, ok I actually had soup pretty much twice a day while I was…