Springtime is gardening time! A few of my tips and ideas
I find my trusty cheap compost bin works perfectly. I have tried the layered worm farm before but found it dried out so quickly through summer and unfortunately baked my precious wriggly ones. The worm liquid is wonderful and much more concentrated than soil so if you are interested check them out first, I am sure they have improved, I actually did a quick look and this one looks pretty cool! https://www.wormlovers.com.au/faqs/
All you need to do is throw in:
– all scraps except meat, onion and citrus
– a little dry leafy material
– a little green leafy material
– a little soil (hopefully with a few worms)
and voila!!!
Keep a pitchfork handy and rotate the mixture every day or two to aerate (I find this very therapeutic!). Keep the mixture moist but not wet or the little ones will drown and the mixture will become rotten and smelly.
You can buy compost worms but honestly good old fashion garden worms are great. As the compost bin is open at the bottom the worms will find your goodies and start gobbling the scraps, leaving their prized worm castings (poo) in replace.
When I just can’t wait any longer to use the glorious newly enriched soil, I start putting the scraps into a little temporary bin. After a few weeks the worms have gobbled up pretty much everything and the mixture is ready. I carefully lift off the bin to leave a lovely neat mound of goodness. The worms will hide from the sun so I carefully lift off the top layer with the pitchfork each day and dig it into the vegie garden, bringing along a few hitchhikers to nourish and aerate the garden soil.Easy as that!
Who knew they were so easy to grow in Perth!! I got this beauty for $30 at Bunnings and it is chock full of berries (I’d be lucky to get 6 tiny punnets for this money) … yum!!!!
… and home grown means you can chose what chemicals go on them.
Have you tried asparagus? It’s easy peasy and so much fun watching them come out of the ground.
DYK strawberries are #1 on US dirty dozen list? Choice also confirmed Australian strawberries were high in pesticides… so easy to grow and taste so much better!