Category Archive for "Health Info"

Why is My Metabolism Slow?

May 16 2017

You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight.  Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced…

Men… Losing Strength? This Hormone Can Help

May 05 2017

Yes, we’re talking testosterone, that muscle-building hormone (low testosterone levels in menopausal women are also associated with low libido).  But I’m not…

Autumn Allergies

Apr 11 2017

It’s beautiful Autumn weather here in Perth but unfortunately  there are many people suffering terribly with allergies. Rather than relying on prescription…

What is Metabolism?

Mar 30 2017

This word “metabolism” is thrown around a lot these days. You know that if yours is too slow you might gain weight.  But…

5 serious health benefits of quitting sugar

Mar 13 2017

So many of us have a strong addiction to sugar. It is scientific fact that sugar is as addictive as cocaine (here & here) releasing…

Migraines – common triggers & what can help

Feb 24 2017

Here is some info about Migraines and safe ways to help prevent and treat them. I started out just focussing on Calcium…

Terrific Turmeric & 10 ways to up your intake

Feb 01 2017

Each morning I start my day with this wonderful concoction that makes me feel I’ve started my day well. It’s a simple…

Breakfast IS Best

Jan 13 2017

In most cases, and most people a good breakfast is vital to setting you up for the rest of the day. Eating…

Big FAT Lies

Nov 04 2016

FAT PHOBIA Doesn’t it amaze you how much health trends can change over the years… low fat/no fat, low carb/no carb, no…

What is Gluten and Leaky Gut

Oct 27 2016

Gluten free products are swarming the supermarket shelves. So why are so many people becoming gluten intolerant and what is Leaky Gut…